iOS Tech Interviews Don't Have To Be Hard
The iOS Interview Guide
This book will help you prep for and ace your iOS interview
No one likes interviews. It's hard to prepare and you never know what they'll ask you. It always feels like there's so much to learn and you're nowhere near the level you need to be at. Sounds familiar?
This guide will help you prepare for you next interview by systematizing the learning, helping you refresh what you already know, and giving you answers to common iOS interview questions.
What's Inside?
The book is packed with:- 10 chapters over 193 pages covering topics ranging from Swift, fundamentals, resumes, and UI to Networking, Storage and Design Patterns
- 72+ interview questions and answers
- red flags, i.e. what not to say answering some of the questions
- Big Picture overview of what there is to know on iOS platform
- Chapter on UI questions
- Chapter on Networking questions
- Chapter on Storage questions
- Chapter on Design Patterns and Architecture questions
- Chapter on Resumes, Github, and general "marketing" of yourself that you need to do to get interviews for better jobs
- A package of Swift Playgrounds with code samples in the book

Click on this link to see full table of contents.
Who am I?

My name is Alex Bush. I'm an iOS consultant and architect. I've been developing for iOS for 14+ years and built apps ranging from small MVPs to large scale enterprise applications. Prominent companies I worked at are Wanelo, ThoughtWorks, Uber, Wayfair. Currently I'm an engineering manager at UpKeep.
I also host Inside iOS Dev YouTube channel.
This is a great book for iOS developers junior to senior! Here are some testimonials:
Alex Bush's book, "The iOS Interview Guide" is a very helpful resource for a variety of reasons. It helps the experienced developer prepare for their next career move by identifying concepts, and areas that technology companies will ask about during the application, and interview process. The book is an excellent resource because it's not simply a checklist of topics, and concepts, to study, but also discusses these concepts as well, and identifies potential pitfalls that the unsuspecting applicant may fall into during the interview process. This book is also a valuable resource for the junior developer who is trying to get an understanding as to what skills are expected from someone who is senior. This book helps chart a course for the junior developer in better improving their skills, and identifying those key areas which are important, thus allowing the junior developer to plan out their career development more efficiently. This book is indeed a valuable resource for developers in all stages of their careers. Thanks Alex for doing such a wonderful job!
- Fayyazuddin Syed, Senior iOS Developer
"Alex has hit a home-run with the iOS interview guide. It has been my go to reference while looking for a job in this field. I can't thank him enough for sharing his insight into what it takes to be prepared for an interview at any level of your career!"
- Paul DeFilippi, iOS Developer
"An excellent guide to help self-starter iOS programmers land their dream jobs. This book can be your ultimate guide for your iOS development study as well as getting your first job as an iOS developer."
- Jon Lu, Freelance iOS Developer
"As a junior developer, I just want to say that the information you’re sharing is top notch and extremely eye-opening to the naive approaches that I have taken. Thank you so much for doing this."
- Jovanny Espinal, Software Engineer at Blue Apron
"I am glad to inform you that your book on Swift Interview question helped me a lot , I have two current jobs under process for next rounds. All of the question I have answered the same way as you wrote in Expected Answer. It is really worth buying it ."
- Ramkrishna Baddi, iOS Developer
To all my iOS devs out there...If you have an interview coming up you need to check out this iOS Interview Guide https://t.co/JrBoQTSTwA @alex_v_bush https://t.co/d3oohtahVc
— Kevin Curry (@kcurryl2g) January 22, 2018
Hey everyone! If you're learning iOS and want a guide to help you in interviews or just with iOS development in general, I just purchased a great book by @alex_v_bush. It's called 'The iOS Interview Guide' and it's really worth they buy. Seriously, buy it. https://t.co/aPi7OIJLH3
— 👾Joe Hill 🐙 (@vintagejoehill) November 29, 2017
"in software development only one thing remains constant, and that thing is change", @alex_v_bush #iosinterviewguide
— Hubert-Jan Hubeek (@hjhubeek) August 30, 2017
- Yusuke Kawanabe, Lead iOS Engineer at Nima Labs
- Will Lundy, iOS Developer at Wells Fargo
OMG!!! I'm interviewing right now! How can I get it?
The book is available in PDF, ePub, and Mobi formats. You can get it right now by clicking on the button below. What you'll get is the current book content plus all the future updates in this first edition.
Still not sure if this is the right book for you?
Sign up below and get a sample chapter delivered to your inbox. It's an abridged version of Chapter 8. Beyond MVC. Design Pattens, Architecture, FRP, and Dependencies Management.
In this chapter you'll learn about MVVM design pattern, horizontal layers of responsiblity in a typical iOS app, SOLID principles, and more.
Would you like to see what's inside?
Want to check it out before you buy? You can get a free sample chapter of the book delivered to your inbox. Sign up here.
Looking for free interview prep resources?
Check out these articles I wrote:
Have questions?
Email: alex.bush@smartcloud.io
Twitter: @alex_v_bush
LinkedIn: alexvbush